Thursday 28 April 2016

Gender, gaze, otherness and photography

When trying to understand a person we assign them to a group or groups. this usually depends on classification according to elements such as gender, age, class, race, sexuality etc

Stereotyping 'reduces, essentializes, naturalizes and fixes difference'
stereotyping basically defines the way society labels differences.

When otherness is used in reference to gender, the word 'other' suggests minority or steering away from norms which reflects a lesser of power for this group.

Lee Miller - photographer who was a fashion model prior to her becoming a photographer. Most well known for her photography work during the second world war. Miller subverted gender roles through her photographs showing conflict up close and personal, unlike majority of women from this time period who stayed at home, whilst men were expected to fight.

Really interesting to see how elements of otherness can be explored through the photograph and how a photographers sense of otherness through characteristics such as gender and  sexuality can sometimes be seen through the images they produce but sometimes it is not identifiable at all. 

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