Sunday 1 May 2016

Inspirational images: Urban photography and punctum

After looking into the concept of punctum in class sessions, I took an interest into urban photographers. A photographer who caught my eye in particular was Nicholas Goodden, whos work was very captivating and held a lot of meaning at the same time.

Goodden's work is very clever in its composition and use of aperture in its use of depth of field. For instance in this first photograph we see a female subject but she is blurred and unfocused, theres a narrow depth of field which means that as viewers we are captivated by the poster of Pharell Williams on the tube station wall. We are able to infer from this photograph that she is on the underground from the depth of field revealing the tiled platform wall behind her- this places her in central London.

 I really admire the composition of this photograph also, the elderly couple placed in the centre with other little details shining through like the overgrown patio and tattered lace curtains which is suggestive that they are living in a council terrace red bricked house in London.
I love the use of reflection in this photograph where we can see that the subject is sitting in a shop outlooking on a high street and the glass also draws attention to the bookcase in the back. Or the focus pull on the facial expression of the subject.

Nicholas Goodden's photography blog:

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